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Known bugs and document errors / V4.3 Known Bugs
« Last post by Malkom on October 22, 2024, 12:23:01 PM »

1. HyperNext Creator
     On Windows 10 clicking on Controls > Button 1 etc sometimes
     will cause an exception message dialog box and Creator will quit.

     The user reported running Creator as Admin solves the problem.

     Note, its not advisable to run most software as Admin, including Creator etc.
2. Animation and sprites:
     The RB sprite engine occasionally does not respect a sprite's transparency!
     Resulting in white background around the sprite.
     There seems to be no workaround as the RB sprite engine was deprecated.
     Only solution a new sprite engine.
Versions / HN v4.3 Release Notes
« Last post by Malkom on August 09, 2024, 08:45:47 AM »
HyperNext Studio v4.3 for Windows - Release Notes

This is a major release in preparation for developing HN for the Apple macOS and OS X.
Both these have major file system differences compared to the Microsoft Windows platform.

This release uses a new save/load system that can  still load files from pre HN v4.3 versions.
However, it only saves in the new format but unfortunately previous verson cannot read this format.
Therefore please ensure your projects are backed up before working on them with HN v4.3

Future versions will only be able to read projects from v4.3 and later.
This also applies to any HN Developer built plugins that will need to be recompiled.


1. Added a new cross platform Save/Load function.
   In preparation for future MacOS & OS X, Windows, Linux HN versions.

2. Added 6 array functions
   These greatly improve the speed and flexibility of array searches,
   including exact matches, sub matches, cases, ascending/descending:

   ArrayColumnFindOneFN, ArrayColumnFindAllFN
   ArrayRowFindOneFN, ArrayRowFindAllFN

   See the built-in Help for more details.
   There is also an Array project in the Creator Projects folder.

3. Resource libraries are much easier to use and their windows are larger:
   Images, Movie, Sound, Text
4. Editor colors can now change LHS panels.

5. Help colors can now change LHS panels.

BUG Fixes

1. Preferences: editor paper and text colors now show up and window improved.

2. Now when loading a project the card background color is fully respected.

3. Removed the buggy Menu Close Project option.

4. Compiling using Ctrl+K now correctly shows card controls.

5. Resource libraries fixed some bugs with duplicate and missing resources.

6. Creator Mode Switcher: removed the annoying click sound.

TigaByte Software
9th August 2024
News / HyperNext Studio v4.3 for Windows released
« Last post by Malkom on August 09, 2024, 08:39:23 AM »
HyperNext Studio v4.3 for Windows released

I'm happy to announce that HN v4.3 for Microsoft Windows was released earlier today.

This is a major release in preparation for future versions of HyperNext being able to run on modern MacOS & OS X, Windows and Linux.
More details are in the release notes and forums.

You can download it from the downloads page here:

The release notes are here:

Known bugs and document errors / V4.22 Known Bugs
« Last post by Malkom on April 23, 2024, 10:46:01 AM »

1. HyperNext Creator
     Close project then New project:
     If a project is closed using menu File - Close
     and a New project is created then nothing shows!!!
     even though the new project and its folder are created.
    Solution for now:
      Just save the current project then create a new one.
2.  HyperNext Creator
     When a project first opens the card's background color
     is ignored and always shows white:
     Solution for now:
      On the Toolbar just click and toggle the Card's color checkbox
      or else Preview the card.

3. Animation and sprites:
     The RB sprite engine occasionally does not respect a sprite's transparency!
     Resulting in white background around the sprite.
     There seems to be no workaround as the RB sprite engine was deprecated.
     Only solution a new sprite engine.
News / HyperNext Studio v4.22 for Windows released
« Last post by Malkom on March 14, 2024, 10:17:49 AM »
HyperNext Studio v4.22 for Windows released

I'm happy to announce that HN v4.22 for Microsoft Windows was released earlier today.

This is mainly a maintenance release that fixes some urgent bugs.

You can download it from the downloads page here:
Development Progress / March 2024 -HN 4.22 released
« Last post by Malkom on March 14, 2024, 10:14:01 AM »
January 2024 - HN v4.22 released

This is mainly a maintenance release that fixes some urgent bugs

This version is only for Microsoft Windows and is a 32 bit build.
It is has been tested on Windows 10, 7 and XP, and should run on both x32 & x64 versions.

Next Major Release v4.3
The next major release will use the new cross-platform Save/Load code.
It will also build for both x32 and x64 

This new Save/Load code is needed for modern MacOS
such as El-Capitan to Sonoma etc
Versions / HN v4.22 Release Notes
« Last post by Malkom on March 14, 2024, 10:01:50 AM »
HN v4.22 Release Notes

This is mainly a maintenance release that fixes some urgent bugs

This version is only for Microsoft Windows and is a 32 bit build.
It is has been tested on Windows 10, 7 and XP, and should run on both x32 & x64 versions.

Bug Fixes

1. PropWindow:
     Controls refresh bug when changing card size using Toolbar Properties
      - the objects/controls on the card could vanish

2. HyperNext hard error did not exit gracefully:
     If a hard error (exception) occured then the message dialog box was repeatedly called
     and the only solution was to use Windows Task Manager to kill it.

3. ToolBar Properties:
    card listbox - disabled sorting
     for all 3 columns as it became jumbled

4. Image Library better error trapping:
     - drop .png internal error: now fixed
     - if copied the exact same file then actually deleted it: now fixed

5. Sound Library better error trapping:
     - if copied the exact same file then actually deleted it: now fixed


1. Tidied up Creator keyboard shortcuts:
     so less need to use the Mode Switcher buttons
    - Ctrl D for Mode Design
    - Ctrl T for Mode Preview

2. Sound Library now accepts .wav sounds

3. Guide Help improved

Known bugs and document errors / V4.21 Known Bugs
« Last post by Malkom on March 04, 2024, 01:21:39 AM »

1. HyperNext Creator - card resize:
     Controls refresh bug when changing card size using Toolbar Properties
      - the objects/controls on the card can vanish
      - workaround is to Preview the card
      - fixed in forthcoming V4.22

2. HyperNext hard error does not exit gracefully:
     If a hard error (exception) occurs then the message dialog box is repeatedly called
     and the only solution is to use Windows Task Manager to kill it.
     - fixed in forthcoming V4.22

3. Animation and sprites:
     The RB sprite engine occasionally does not respect a sprite's transparency!
     Resulting in white background around the sprite.
     There seems to be no workaround as the RB sprite engine was deprecated.
     Only solution a new sprite engine.
News / HyperNext Studio v4.21 for Windows released
« Last post by Malkom on January 09, 2024, 11:07:39 AM »
HyperNext Studio v4.21 for Windows released

I'm happy to announce that HN v4.21 for Microsoft Windows was released earlier today.
This is a minor update and fixes a bug in single line edit fields.

You can download it from the downloads page here:
Versions / HN v4.21 Release Notes
« Last post by Malkom on January 09, 2024, 11:01:51 AM »
HN v4.21 Release Notes

Note, v4.21 is almost identical to v4.2

This version is only for Microsoft Windows and is a 32 bit build.
It is has been tested on Windows 10, 7 and XP, and should run on both x32 & x64 versions.

Bug Fixes

1. Single line fields:
     Changing the font and text attributes did not work!

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