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Development Progress / June 2021
« Last post by Malkom on June 30, 2021, 05:11:00 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of June 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and OS X.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


(1) OS X Mojave (10.14)

This month's development has focussed on getting HN5  to  run on OS X Mojave and load the Chart project.

HN5 is close to fully starting up on Mojave, with all windows/forms now opening correctly.

Resources such as images for Properties toolbar etc are now loading.

Nearly finished the file system changes needed to load the Chart project.

(2) Runtime Engine

Carried out more work on debugging the interrupt system for timers, buttons and other controls.

The runtime engine is now correctly looping though its interrupt sequence.

Development Progress / May 2021
« Last post by Malkom on May 31, 2021, 04:04:03 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of May 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and OS X.

Regarding OS X, there are still some runtime errors caused by file system problems but not enough time left to resolve them.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


(1) Compiler

The HN5  compiler can now fully convert the Chart project's scripts into pCode for execution by the Runtime Engine.

The compiler actually identifies 328 lines of code in the Chart project's script, but these include blank lines, comments, and handler headings etc. The actual number of actual lines as entered by me when creating the Chart project are probably far less than half this. The other lines of the 615 indicated are related to how procedures etc are stored and converted into pCode.

The compiler window is normally hidden.
Also, the compiler treats each script in a button or other handler as self-contained and therefore carries out the 3 passes on them.

The compiler can currently compile all the maths, control statements such as For While If-Then etc. It can also compile all common commands such as PUT etc.

Windows 7 Compiler start

Windows 7 Compiler end

Raspberry Pi Compiler start

Raspberry Pi Compiler end

(2) Runtime Engine

Currently working on debugging the interrupt system for timers, buttons and other controls.

After this HN5 should be close to displaying chart graphics at runtime.

Development Progress / April 2021
« Last post by Malkom on April 30, 2021, 03:42:42 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of April 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and OS X.

Regarding OS X,  there some runtime errors caused by missing image resources but simply not enough time left to resolve them.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


(1) Creator GUI

The Creator Card GUI is now usable but still a few things to do.

The Properties (toolbar) window needs group properties implementing.

The Properties (toolbar) window full creation of all controls.

The control drag & stretching needs to be much smoother.

Windows 7 Creator GUI

Lubuntu 16.04 Creator GUI

(2) Script Editor

The script editor load scripts fine but when called via a compile error there is a large refresh lag.

Windows 7 Card Scripts

Windows 7 MainCode Scripts

Lubuntu 16.04 Card Scripts

Lubuntu 16.04 MainCode Scripts

(3) Runtime Preview Window

The Preview and Runtime windows actually use the same window but Preview is passive.

Controls such as buttons are now showing correctly in the Runtime window. However,  most font settings, their types and sizes are currently left at default so look very poor. This is especially so on Linux.

Windows 7 Runtime Window

Lubuntu 16.04  Runtime Window

General / Re: Screenshot Request
« Last post by Malkom on April 18, 2021, 06:37:41 AM »

Thats a really great idea - thank you.

In the next progress report I'll try to show some screen shots of HN running on some different operating systems.


Thank you for those links to spam posts - I missed those ones.

General / Screenshot Request
« Last post by LinesOfCodes on April 16, 2021, 12:18:55 PM »
Hi, I was following the HyperNext Studio 5.0 Progress.
In a later Progress report, Can you Insert a preview screenshot about each feature in each update?
Development Progress / March 2021
« Last post by Malkom on March 31, 2021, 04:21:34 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of March 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and now OS X Catalina.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


(1) Card Window

The Properties (toolbar) window still needs more properties filling in.

Feature Lost:-
In HN5 buttons will  not support the display images as in previous versions of HN.
Unfortunately its not easy to get this feature working cross-platform with Free Pascal.

(2) Run Window

Working on the creation of controls such as buttons etc on the Runtime window.

Filling in code for event handlers.


The current HN5 build works on
 - Windows x32 & x64, including XP x32,  7 x64, 10 x64
 - Ubuntu 18.04
 - Rapsberry Pi (Buster)
 - ReactOS - an x32 OS that can run many Windows apps.
 - OS X Yosemite and Catalina
 - macOS Big Sur, HN starts up but still has errors loading icons etc, so loading halts.
Development Progress / February 2021
« Last post by Malkom on February 28, 2021, 03:29:01 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of February 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and now OS X Catalina.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


(1) Card Window

The Chart project controls can be dragged and resized.
All 14 control types now show on the Card window for editing etc.
This works smoothly on both Windows and Linux.

Properties (toolbar) window still needs more work including tab panels and groups etc.

(2) Run Window

Started implementing the controls such as buttons etc on the Runtime window.


The current HN5 build works on
 - Windows x32 & x64, including XP x32,  7 x64, 10 x64
 - Ubuntu 18.04
 - Rapsberry Pi (Buster)
 - ReactOS - an x32 OS that can run many Windows apps.
 - OS X Yosemite and Catalina
 - macOS Big Sur, HN starts up but still has errors loading icons etc, so loading halts.
Development Progress / January 2021
« Last post by Malkom on January 31, 2021, 05:26:50 PM »
Here is a brief progress report on HN5 development for the month of January 2021.

The aim is to get the Chart demo project running inside HN5 Creator IDE.

The development is being carried out on a Windows 7 x64 machine with regular testing of HN5 on Linux(Ubuntu) and now OS X Catalina.

The development language is Free Pascal which should ensure HN5 will be able to run on a variety of older and newer Operating Systems.
The main targets being Windows, Linux and OS X.


Dragging and resizing of controls on the Card creator is now working.

Properties (toolbar) window - selected controls such as buttons are now working/displaying.

Still improving Properties window and retrieval of a selected control's data for display/editing.

Creation a new control or card is still being filled in.


The current HN5 build works on
 - Windows x32 & x64, including XP x32,  7 x64, 10 x64
 - Ubuntu 18.04
 - Rapsberry Pi (Buster)
 - ReactOS - an x32 OS that can run many Windows apps.
 - OS X Yosemite and Catalina
 - macOS Big Sur, HN starts up but has errors loading icons etc, so loading halts.
Windows / Re: Error Saving Project!
« Last post by Malkom on January 27, 2021, 05:53:33 AM »
I'm very sorry but this is a known bug that also affects Windows 7.

Here is another forum post with a work around:-

Windows / Error Saving Project!
« Last post by SMR1234 on January 26, 2021, 10:57:33 AM »
When I try to save a project on V.4 I get

sorry, an internal error has occured: SaveLoadGlobals:Save_As_Project


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