Hi so glad to see a forum like this been looking and have a questions.
1. How to i test my program as it was done instead of running it in creater,just trying to see the final out come of it like installing it on my pc and running it.Im guessing making a exe or app
thanks for your time and i will enjoy seeing this forum grow as i have seen many grow in my time just have no time to be a mod but i consider my self a mini mod lol
Hi modaholic
Welcome to our forums and yes, you are correct - you can make an exe. For Windows use the
Go menu and
Build Windows XP Vista option.
This will place the exe in your project folder.
You can also make a stack for distributing to people who have the HyperNext Player installed.
There is a section in the
QuickStart pdf on buliding exes and stacks.
Have fun