About "Stacks" - they are document-like and only run using the HyperNext Player.
They are much much smaller than applications and can be emailed to clients etc.
All your client needs is a Windows or Macintosh HyperNext Player to run them.
In general HyperNext applications are about 10MBytes in size while Stacks are about 50KBytes but more if they need multi-media etc.
To run them just double-click on a stack in the project folder or else run HyperNext Player and use the Open option on the File menu.
In HyperNext Creator - when you ask it to build a stack or an application, a progress bar shows the build/save process. Then the finished stack or application is placed in the relevant project folder.
If the stack build fails then the editor will open and show you error.
If the stack build is successful then the progress bars disappear and thats it - no messages - just back into HyperNext Creator.
Its the same for building an application - either fail and the editor opens, else success and silence.