Author Topic: Sending HTTP requests and displaying a text file from the web  (Read 9210 times)


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Hi, I'm new to HyperNext.  I want to make a project that can send a variable http request.  I would have a button to execute the command and a series of text boxes for parameters, the button would run a command equivalent to "curl --silent http://server.ip/input?command=button_field1_field2" in sh.  Then I would want a field at the bottom that would display a text file on that same server.  I have shell scripted a rough version, but I would like a gui, and a way to run it in OS 9 and Windows.  How would I go about this?  Any help is much appreciated.


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Re: Sending HTTP requests and displaying a text file from the web
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2012, 08:05:45 AM »
Hi skush

Demo projects 37 and 32, that is Website online offline alarm and Stock quotes show how to retrieve a web page.

They both use the UrlExistsFN function that places the retrieved web page in a file.

There is also info in this in the Language Reference PDF.


