Author Topic: December 2021  (Read 5560 times)


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December 2021
« on: December 31, 2021, 02:09:48 PM »
Here are very brief details of HN progress for December 2021.

(1) HyperNext Studio v4.x for Windows

Started moving HN4.x to a newer RB compiler with the aim of gettting HN4 to run on the latest versions of Mac-OS and Linux.

2) HyperNext v5 work  in progress

Implementing the single line and multi-line Edit fields in the Runtime engine.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 02:26:37 PM by Malkom »
I am sorry but I do not have time to answer questions by PM or email.
If you post your questions in this forum then it might help others.

