Here are very brief details of HN progress for February 2022.
(1) HyperNext Studio v4.x for Windows
Resolved all several hundred deprecated notifications generated by RB 2009-R3 compiler.
Most file path problems caused by RB compiler runtime changes are solved.
Conversion of EditFields to either TextFields or TextAreas.
- Property toolbar updated.
- Editor updated.
- TextResWindow library updated.
- User defined register window updated.
- Preferences window updated.
- now working on code in the Runtime engine and its Run window.
The aim is to get HN v4.2 out for both Windows and older OS X systems.
Then move onto HN v4.3 using an even newer RB compiler.
Eventually ending up on Windows plus latest Mac OS and Ubuntu etc.
2) HyperNext v5 work in progress
Still implementing the single line and multi-line EditFields in the Runtime engine.
This will be completed after RB code is working so a common code base can be used.
The aim is to get this working on the Windows platform first.