Author Topic: March 2022  (Read 4571 times)


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March 2022
« on: March 31, 2022, 04:50:52 PM »
Here are very brief details of HN 4.2 progress for March 2022.

(1) HyperNext Studio v4.2 for Windows

Conversion of EditFields to either TextFields or TextAreas:-
 - Runtime engine and its Run window now finished.
   Preliminary testing shows no bugs.
 - Started work on improving arrays by adding extra search functions.

In April will work on the following:-
 -  bugs caused by movement to new RB compiler etc:-
     - In HN Creator, Preview mode causes the project to Run instead of just Previewing the card.
     - editing a Control such as button, field etc makes it invisible at Runtime.
 - a new Save/Load independent from bought commercial plugins,
    HN 4.2 will be the last version to load older projects.
    This code can be used in HN 5 so it will then be able to load HN 4.2 projects.

The aim is to get HN v4.2  out for both Windows and older OS  X systems.
Then move onto HN v4.3 using an even newer RB compiler.
Eventually ending up on Windows plus latest Mac OS and Ubuntu etc.

2) HyperNext v5 work  in progress

Still implementing the single line and multi-line EditFields in the Runtime engine.
These can now be implemented as the RB code is now working so allowing a common code base to be used.

The aim is to get this working on the Windows platform first.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 04:53:09 PM by Malkom »
I am sorry but I do not have time to answer questions by PM or email.
If you post your questions in this forum then it might help others.

