To add functions to your file menu and other menu options use the "Menu Designer".
The "Menu Designer" can be found on the "Windows" menu bar at the top of HyperNext Creator.
Once opened it should look like this
Editing a Menu OptionSelect the box number 1 with "File" in it and the File sub menus should be displayed in the File submenus box:-
In the above the "Open" submenu is highlighted so select the "Edit Script" button and enter your script into the Editor Window.
Creating a New Menu OptionSelect the menu you want to add a new submenu to, and enter the new name into the "Entry Name" box.
The "key" box allows a shortcut key to be assigned to this menu option.
Then click the "New Entry" button and the new submenu option will be created.
Now you can add a script to it using the "Edit Script" button.