Ok! as mentioned in my last post, i thought it was down to me. Yup! Sure was. Because of my confusion amongst the field names and texts names and the fact that i just started to build on top of the original Book HN without giving it any thought. I found myself adding components, changing my mind, removing them and the code was a real mess. So i decided to clean it up so that a text name corresponds with its field name, obviously doing the necessary to make sure i kept track of what code came from what button etc so as to build everything tidily and replace the code. I thought it would make it easier to find the problem with everything in order!
And then i broke it, i broke the whole damn thing. What a nightmare! Since the precise time marked on my last post and the time on this one that is the time iv'e spent trying to figure it out.
Thankfully though and after a few hours i managed to sort it all out. Yes, talk about happy!
Along the way i found that i hadn't declared a couple of variables and one even had its space 'comma' between the name and the Var ('name,Var' and not 'nameVar,' ) This led me onto see the difference between the field and the field name and discover other problems for the search and saving etc.
And that maybe, certain components can be outligned black if there is a conflict or something. Not sure on that one though.
There remains just two problems and that is:
1) i can't see how to make the search return multiple finds. But thats possibly because i haven't looked yet i was just happy with a fully functional drop down search system.
2) i also have a ghost button that just wont go away. It has been deleted, but remains in the card script.
Even with those two small issues, i actually started to see the logic. Sure i have a whole load of questions for you, and i know im gonna do your head in head. But i will save them for another thread and another day.
I have other issues to look at now like maths, what seems to be the built in registration system, password login if possible, saving the imported image to the data/arrays and displaying the saved info into a second page. Clone a card would be handy.
Its 1.45 am and i am going to have a quick 'celebratory' beer, before turning in. Tomorrows going to be a busy day 8-)