i was playing with the DB (database) example BooksHN.
i was looking at how your saving the opt for title & etc.
it seems that your just putting one line in to an var (something like an array)
so I started to look at what the comment field does as it looks to be mulitlined.
as my database will have mulit lines to it.
I wanted to search out how you managed multi lines.
I think i found an error.
here are some results of testing.
In the comments field I was typing something mult lined
I used something simple, I put the same thing to more then one record:
some thing
sort of long
:twisted: (copy & paste is my friend!)
it doesn't matter what is there in record one or how long it was it only saved upto my 1st enter, so it only saved the top line.
so all that got saved was:
some thing
now the next odd thing i found is that (this took me a bit to notice too)
what is in the 2nd line seems to overwrite if there is a next then one record
so what I did was in comments for rec1 put "one"; in rec2 put "two"; in rec3 put "three"
then went back to rec one i did multi line like:
so what i got was
in comments for rec1 put "111"; in rec2 put "222"; in rec3 put "333"
so i totally lost original values of
in comments for rec1 put "one"; in rec2 put "two"; in rec3 put "three".
it seems the "4"s got lost in lala land.
I really don't want this to seem like am busting your chops over free software.
I really do like it & Like that you have this forum for help.
you have helped me a lot already.
also your example database doesn't cover how to save the database, which i believe is somewhat a crucial part of the example.
I know there are other post on saving, but it just seems incomplete, I'm easily confused.
in order to save it seems to be i have to use the CSV (cama seperate value)
or at least that is what i gleamed out of this other post
http://tigabyte.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=45but not really sure how to impliment that.
but am really confused on how to get the data saved properly.
then once it is saved how to load it back up so that it can be edited again.
but that is another topic (hint, hint, hint)