as Per the PDF sheet to add and name a button :
We will put a button on the screen that when clicked will print "Hello World"
a. on the Tool Bar click on the button marked "Button"
b. on the Tool Bar click on the button marked "New Button"
c. click on the Card Window where you want the button to be placed.
4. We will now ad the "Hello World" script to the button
a. click on the button on the card and it will be highlighted
b. select the "Main" tab on the Tool Bar
c. click the "Script" button and the Script Editor will open
d. click in the large edit area on the right
e. on a new line type Message 'Hello World'
f. close the Script Editor.
Am having an issue to name the button. am not sure what the large edit area on the right means? i dont get a new line as per step d.
thank you