Okay, so, I just tried putting all the code into different processes and making a code to determine which one to run (depending on the value of the variable). I made each section no longer than the section I know works by itself. I got the same error I was getting before (LoadMemBlockNum). So, looks like there's maybe too much code altogether? I'm not sure. Kind of running out of ideas at this point.
Thank you for your feedback on this - such a bug could actually drive one crazy.
To me it seems most likely that there is a syntax error in your code somewhere and due to a bug in the compiler its not being caught properly.
There shouldn't be problems with too much code together as there are some limit checks that would give you a warning when an attempt was made to the extra line.
My advice, somehow try to find where the syntax error is. Two ways:
1/ Your current method for splitting things up - perhaps you could gradually remove blocks of code until the error stops or increase the amount of code until the error appears.
2/ In front of every line of code place a comment symbol
@ and then gradually remove them until the error appears.
Looking at the error you have - the syntax error could be in any one of a hundred or so keywords - so it doesn't really narrow it down enough to help you.
The Language Reference and built in Help often don't fully describe acceptable syntax for some keywords so if you are not sure about something perhaps you could just post it here.
By the way. I forget but have you now created a new project and are saving your code in that because as mentioned earlier the card that appears when HyperNext Creator starts up isn't meant to be used for a permanent project.