I wanted to have an, "are you sure?" message.
I found in guide the following 2 examples.
however neither seem to work or I am misunderstanding.
local ans
@example from guide:
Dialog mess,button1,button2
Put AnswerFN into ans
If ans=1 Then
I have tried it this way:
Dialog mess 'Are you sure?',button 1,button 2
error is "message not found"
I have tried it this way:
Dialog 'Are you sure?',button 1,button 2
error is "OK message not found"
same error is when trying with some spaces.
~ ~~ Dialog 'Are you sure?', button 1, button 2
also tried to use
~ ~ Dialog 'Are you sure?',OK,cancel
~ ~ Dialog 'Are you sure?',yes,no
so then i found this other way.
local ans,choice
Put ChoiceFN(question,option1,option2) into choice
If choice=option1 Then
error is " ^ parameter error!"
same error with:
~ ~ Put ChoiceFN('are you sure',yes,no)
and with
~ ~ Put ChoiceFN('are you sure',Ok,Cancel)