Welcome to our forums and I hope you find HyperNext Studio suitable for your program.
I don't know if you will be able to make your program with HyperNext because it depends upon what functionality you need.
Check the following page to see if your functionality is there:-
http://www.tigabyte.com/hnfiles/about.htmlYou could also look at the example projects and perhaps some code from them might help you:-
http://www.tigabyte.com/hnfiles/rescreator.htmlProject 5 (Analyser) is both the most comprehensive demo and is nearest to a fully working program so you might ideas there.
Also, I assume you are on the Microsoft Windows platform as HyperNext works with all versions from XP to Windows 8.
HyperNext does not work on OS X Mountain Lion.
Before you can start programming it is wise to have a reasonably full design for your program - a list of screen layouts and their functions.
To learn HyperNext there is a quick introduction in the link below plus a QuickStart guide PDF
http://www.tigabyte.com/hnfiles/progfirst.htmlhttp://www.tigabyte.com/docs/QuickStart.pdfOur forums have lots of practical info so you could ask questions here although of course we do not have time to actual write programs.