I tried compiling my program. It goes through alright. Now I'm having issues finding where it puts the file.
When HN builds an app(executable) or stack, it places the built app/stack in the project's folder.
For instance if your project is called
My Movie Player, then the built app/stack should be in the
My Movie Player folder.
Note, when releasing your app or stack, the original project file is not required but remember to make a copy of it somewhere.
Only the app/stack plus any dependencies such as datafiles, images, vidoe setc are required.
As for movies, when I run my program and try to start the movie, it doesn't start. What am I doing wrong?
There is a bug in a movie player's control panel that prevents some movies such as MP4 from playing.
See number 5 in this post:-
http://www.tigabyte.com/smf/index.php?topic=326.0However, it is possible to control a movie, play or pause it by using the relevant movie command.
In the scripts below, the movie player control on the card has ID 1.
The movie to be played was dragged and dropped intoto the project's movie library via the
Movie Library menu option under the menu
Use one button to play the movie with the command
Use another button to pause the movie with the command
As a movie player's controller is bugged, it can be hidden using the command
Its usual to place this or similar commands in the card's open event:-
Attached below is a simple movie player that has a small movie in the project folder.
http://www.tigabyte.com/bits/Movie_Player.zipMore MP4 movies can be found here:-